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Thursday, May 31, 2012

iPads vs. Kindles vs. Nooks-2012

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"With ultra-affordable e-ink readers, mid-priced color tablets like the Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet, and even the more expensive iPads all vying for your e-book dollar, what's the best choice for you? It depends." This quote from CNET's John Falcone

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Many students, faculty, staff, and neighbors ask me almost every day...."What eReader or tablet do you like most? or "Which one should I buy?"  These are difficult questions to answer if we don't know their lifestyle and budget. My first question is budget, second question is,  "Are you going to read 90% of the time or use the internet, social networking and email most of the time?"  Third question, "Do you want to replace your laptop?"

Now that the market place has a  nice variety of good quality devices under $200, it's time for consumers to do their homework.  No guessing!  Go to the different stores and try each device.  Go to the library or at home and do some internet research.  Go back to the store and look at your top three choices. 
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I have found several good web sites they might help you get started.  Take notes and ask all your friends and neighbors what they like. Make a 'pros and cons' list. You might not find anyone to loan you one, unless you try a library.  You might find that you are a trusted friend indeed if someone loaned you their precious device, because after you have your own, you won't let it go.  Good luck on your adventure into the digital eReader world!

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"Kindle vs. Nook vs. iPad:
Which e-book reader should you buy?"
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May 5th, 2012 CNET
by John Falcone


"I want my kids to read.
They want to play games."
2nd device purchase? 
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Readers who don't want to share their eReader/tablet/iPad with their kids or grandkids. What 2nd device to purchase? Can they find a device that could meet both of these requirements?
Quote from Tracy from her blog, We Are Both Right.
"The iPad was the first to be eliminated. I deemed it too expensive and too heavy for little hands prone to dropping things. Yes, there are many cool book apps. However, my goal was to get them to read first and then shoot birds across the screen later. Book apps aside, there’s just too many other media offerings on the iPad to distract my children from reading." 

Many of us believe that good readers make great students.
  Good parenting skills Tracy!
See her blog below for more tips!

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