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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Welcome Fall 2009

It's time to discover new ways to use the Kindle1, K2 and DX.
Let us know if you have any suggestions. Please use the comment link below.

We are very happy to report that one of our faculty needed a book for a class. She could not order the book in time; however she was able to find it on at Kindle books. We downloaded it in a matter of 2 minutes. It was a great "little" moment in technology, benefiting libraries and meeting the needs of faculty.

Today a student needed a book called, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch
Albom, also the author of Tuesdays with Morrie. Our hard copy was loaned out. We added it to a Kindle and the student was on her way in five minutes. Another happy patron!

Hope this stirs up some ideas! Please share with us your thoughts about how we can use Kindles to better serve you!