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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Surprise! Surprise! Apple has a large exhibit at BookExpo America NYC

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BookExpo America is in NYC next week, May 23-24.
BEA is the largest book publishing venue of the year in the USA for those that didn't know. Apple has a prime location on the exhibit floor near Disney, Scholastic and Random House. Media sources say Apple doesn't appear to have any devices or software upgrade announcements this week. What's interesting is, Apple doesn't usually attend these book publishing conferences and they didn't attend last year. What is remarkable is the high volume of eBook and eTextbook sales this past 12 month. [See Wall St. Journal stats near bottom of blog.]

CEO Steve Jobs said Apple has downloaded 100 million eBooks from April 2010 to February 2011. [April 3, 2010 was launch date of original iPad, in case you are new to eReaders and tablets]. Bloomberg cited Goldman Sachs Report in February that states;
Amazon had 58% of the eBook sales
Barnes and Noble 27%
Apple 9%
Border/Kobo 7%

For more information please see the blog below covering The Economics of Digital Content, dated May 17, 2011.

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Also attention-getting is the digital book conference at BEA, The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) and what they are presenting. They had a 1 hour conference on EPUB3, May 12, online. You can still register and view the Webinar until Dec. 12, 2011. [See link below.] "Learn how the standard impacts the major device manufacturers and the larger eBook ecosystem."  Webinar: EPUB 3, an Insider’s Look. How Will Your eBook Operations be Affected?

This is the abstract from IDPF’s schedule on BEA's conference page: "IDPF Digital Book 2011 will be a one-and-a-half day educational conference that gives attendees the opportunity to network with global leaders in digital publishing business and technology. Learn about the latest trends in the digital publishing industry through expert panels and in-depth demonstrations and case studies. Included are workshops on the EPUB standard including the new EPUB 3 revision, eBook production, workflow, and best practices."

IDPF Announces Speakers for Digital Book 2011, May 23-24th NYC

Another informative blog by the Official BEA Librarian Blogger you should browse:

What does all this mean?
Let’s look at these recent stats and I think we will all come to the same conclusion! The eBook and eTextbook market is exploding!

Wall St. Journal, April 11, 2011
The market for digital books was $966 billion last year and is expected to triple by 2015, according to Forrester Research.”

Wall St. Journal- Feb, 25, 2011
“In 2012, e-Textbook sales are expected to more than double to $308 million from $138 million last year according to MBS Service Co.”

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We are looking forward to seeing some exiting news from the many blogs and tweets from those attending these conferences next week. This is such an exciting time to be involved in the eReader, tablet, eBook, and eTextbook evolution in a library setting.