Many students, faculty and staff, have enjoyed their time with the new techie Amazon e-reader: The Kindle!
Most Popular Books
Three Cups of Tea
Eat that Frog
Twilight Saga
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Tuesdays with Morrie
Eat that Frog
Twilight Saga
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Tuesdays with Morrie
Waking with Enemies
Most Popular Newspapers
Wall Street Journal
NY Times
Orlando Sentinel
USA Today
Also on the Kindles:
The Toni Morrison Encyclopedia
Memory Keeper's Daughter
Nineteenth-Century Short Stories
American Lion
Audacity of Hope
Eclipse [audio]
Holy Bible, New International
Hamlet, Kinglear and Macbeth
Kindle 2 Cookbook
We hope to have 7 day check-out for many Kindles this fall.
Plus, many resource books you may like for the new PBCC BAS program.
Check back in the fall for the NEW lineup or call the Circulation Desk and ask for Colleen.
Most Popular Newspapers
Wall Street Journal
NY Times
Orlando Sentinel
USA Today
Also on the Kindles:
The Toni Morrison Encyclopedia
Memory Keeper's Daughter
Nineteenth-Century Short Stories
American Lion
Audacity of Hope
Eclipse [audio]
Holy Bible, New International
Hamlet, Kinglear and Macbeth
Kindle 2 Cookbook
We hope to have 7 day check-out for many Kindles this fall.
Plus, many resource books you may like for the new PBCC BAS program.
Check back in the fall for the NEW lineup or call the Circulation Desk and ask for Colleen.
If we can help you find a Kindlized book, let us know.
We will have a "Request Form" in the fall for you to suggest book titles for our Kindles.
We will have a "Request Form" in the fall for you to suggest book titles for our Kindles.

Please leave your comments
suggestions below.