2010 the year of the eReader?
Several times a week, this past month, many patrons from our local community, faculty, students and staff, from our college, have stopped by our circulation desk and asked to see each of our Kindle models; K1, K2 and DX. Many are deciding what to purchase for holiday gift giving. Some want to compare the Kindle with the Sony eReader and the Nook.
Questions many are comptemplating for library or personal purchase:
Is the price right?
Are they easy to use?
Is the technology improving?
Is Google a threat?
[they digitized public-domain books that produced thousands of free literary classics.]
Aren't tech gadgets cool, fun?
Is reading always good for you?
Below see the link for reasons PC World feels eReaders will take off in 2010 and answers to the questions above:
Thank you Jeff Bertolucci for a very informative report; PC World Nov 25, 2009 5:07 pm issue
Several times a week, this past month, many patrons from our local community, faculty, students and staff, from our college, have stopped by our circulation desk and asked to see each of our Kindle models; K1, K2 and DX. Many are deciding what to purchase for holiday gift giving. Some want to compare the Kindle with the Sony eReader and the Nook.
Questions many are comptemplating for library or personal purchase:
Is the price right?
Are they easy to use?
Is the technology improving?
Is Google a threat?
[they digitized public-domain books that produced thousands of free literary classics.]
Aren't tech gadgets cool, fun?
Is reading always good for you?
Below see the link for reasons PC World feels eReaders will take off in 2010 and answers to the questions above:
Thank you Jeff Bertolucci for a very informative report; PC World Nov 25, 2009 5:07 pm issue