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Friday, October 9, 2009

New Nursing Textbooks on Kindle DX

1st student checks out 2 nursing textbooks on the Kindle DX.
Much to her surprise, after checking out our popular Reserve papercopy of Fundamentals Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking, 2008, we checked to see if it had been Kindlized. In about 5 minutes, she had the DX with the 1st textbook request loaded and ready to take home for 7 days. She was overwhelmed with joy. Our Circulation staff was delighted because we could do something so quickly for our students to help ease the tension of trying to study with limited funds.

Kem was so excited; she asked if we had anymore nursing textbooks on the Kindle DX. We had already purchased Text Success: Test-taking Techniques for Beginning Nursing Students, 2008. This title was transferred to her Kindle in the time it takes a phone to ring. This 2nd request was originally from our nursing program director. She had attended the NLN conference last week. The publishers, the professor noted, were very persistent about selling e-textbooks for $20 along with the hardcopy. They stated the e-book is good for 2 years.

This is good news all around. We hope to hear more encouraging stories about publishers and the Kindle/textbook format from teachers in other areas as the academic year progresses.