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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cast your vote for 2012 Read Together Program by Feb. 24th-EAP Class Semester Loan Project and our NEW Kindle Fire and NookColor devices

We have added 25 Kindle Fires and 15 Nook Color devices to our eReader/tablet collection.

Nook Color  

Kindle Fire
Image Credit:

These are the new titles below that we have purchased to help students, faculty and staff cast their vote for the 2012 Read Together Palm Beach County Campaign.
Vote by Feb. 24.
Cast your vote in our library on either floor two or floor three, or at their web site below.  March 12th will be the announcement for the 2012 book choice.

Image Credits:
Nook Color and Kindle Fire devices are
7 day loans.

Dr. Richard Shepardson is Palm Beach State's EAP Cluster Chair. He is working with our library this semester to promote reading using eReaders in his EAP 0420 classes, with approximately 25 students in all. Students will have the opportunity to use a Kindle Fire and/or a Nook Color this semester. We hope to receive a lot of feedback from students concerning their likes and dislikes about each device.


Tech Services added a new book, The Appointment, to each Kindle Fire and Nook Color, to start off the semester. If students find other books they would like to read, with Dr. Shepardson's approval, we will download these requests. We are very excited about these new devices and hope this program will bring many excellent books to our fiction collection.

 The Year of the Flood is assigned reading by one of our teachers.  Students are very pleased that they can check out a Kindle Fire to take home for this assignment.

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