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Monday, December 20, 2010

Digital e-readers as Gifts?

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe
Not a great way to choose your
new digital e-reader!

Digital e-readers can be a very difficult purchase for so many.  I was on the phone with my sister-in law Sunday for an hour or more; plus texting back and forth this past month with questions and answers. 

Her concerns were; buying a unit she hadn't held before, which size, 7" or 9.7" Kindle, iPad or the new color Nook, and cost vs. size. Wow, its really not easy.   Each digital reader has its own pros and cons.

We discussed this purchase
 like buying or car. 

1-What would you use it for? Textbooks, novels, newspapers, magazines, blogs, games, email?

2-Who else might use it?
3-Would you use it for school, pleasure, work? All three?
4-Is 3G important or is Wi-Fi ok?

Once you answer these questions for yourself; call, email or text your friends that already own a digital
e-reader.  Ask them how they like it and what they use it for.  Make a "Pros and Cons" list on paper and you'll get your answer.
We have archived several posts on this blog with links to other sources on many digital e-readers as they have arrived on the show room floor or online.

Good luck with your new purchase! 
Happy New Year 2011

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