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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sony Touch is here!

We are so excited.
The delivery of the new Sony Touch Edition e-Readers arrived this afternoon. A red metallic case with red matching vinyl cover-WOW!

Waiting to play with them is difficult, as we have to charge them for 4 hours. It's hard to wait!

The directions said to charge for at least 5 minutes before we can calibrate the screen with the stylet. The stylet is a cute little stylus incased in the upper right hand corner of the e-reader. [very convenient, but hope it stays with the unit]

5 minutes of charging and we're calibrating...that was easy! [Where's my Easy Button?]
There is probably about 5 minutes to play before the screen warns me the battery is low.

It's already loaded with 11 books; excerpts in several different languages; 2 songs and 3 pictures. "Warning -battery is low". [That time went fast.] Time to recharge for 5 minutes.

Back to the fun!
The orientation page came up, so I pressed the sreen, now I have a 'landscape' view and like it much better than 'portrait'. With this change, I can still use my left hand to press the buttons if needed. It's nice to just 'whisk' my index finger or thumb to 'turn' the page. Now I have to figure out how to put the orientation back to portrait. "Research time"

We've pretty much explored it all for now. Guess we better continue the charging process.

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