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Thursday, April 11, 2013

iPad mini 7.9" vs. Kindle Fire HD 7"

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iPad mini fits in one hand —
Yet it can do everything an iPad can do!
So, how do you decide what's best for your library? 
I'd like to have both:]

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iPad mini                                   Kindle Fire
Anodized aluminum                                   Plastic
Cost $ $329                                                7" $199
Lower pixels 163ppi                                   Higher pixels 216 ppi
Camera front/rear                                        Camera front
Superior apps library                                   Nominal # of apps
Not so crisp text/images                              Extra crisp text/images

So, the questions looms, does the extra iPad mini's 0.9" make a difference for the low pixels and at a higher price? [$329 vs. $199]

Would we pay extra for the best software selection and design of the iPad mini or buy the Kindle Fire for less and get a sharper image and faster processor? One funny comment I've read: "If it doesn't fit in my cargo pants, I'm not buying it....."  This guy is keeping his 7'' Kindle Fire.

Makes us wonder if the clothes designer's will make those cargo pant pockets bigger for the larger 'mini' electronic gadgets in the future or perhaps for the Samsung Galaxy4 and other super-sized smartphones? It's certainly interesting what drives the market these days.
Another choice might be the new Kindle Fire 8.9"
$269 with 254 ppi.

What do you think is the perfect device for library check out? 
Let us know what you are doing in your library.

Stats for iPad mini and Kindle Fire HD
Overview for Kindle Fire HD 7"
Overview for Kindle Fire HD 8.9"

Overview from Apple

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What's new this week?
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0, an iPad mini rival,
to hit stores Thursday
Check out this article today:

189ppi, Wi-Fi, front/rear camera, 5 megapixel/1.3

New iPad this summer?

Quote from "Speculation into the launch of a new iPad kicked off last week, after Fortune reported last week retailers such as Best Buy and Walmart were slashing prices on iPads and iPad Minis, suggesting Apple is poised to launch a new model."
The Best iPad Apps of 2012 from Gizmag